Steve Kommrusch


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The Tom's Hardware article is interesting, thanks. It makes the point that the price quoted may not include the full 'cost of revenue' for the product in that it might be the bare die price and not the tested and packaged part (yields from fabs aren't 100% so extensive functional testing of every part adds cost). The article also notes that R&D costs aren't included in that figure; the R&D for NVIDIA (and TSMC, Intel, AMD, etc) are what keep that exponential perf-per-dollar moving along. 

For my own curiosity, I looked into current and past income statements for companies. Today, NVIDIA's latest balance sheet for the fiscal year ending 1/31/2024 has $61B in revenue, 17B for cost of revenue (that would include the die cost, as well as testing and packaging), R&D of 9B, and a total operating income of 33B.  AMD for their fiscal year ending 12/31/2023 had $23B revenue, 12B cost of revenue, 6B R&D, and 0.4B operating income. Certainly NVIDIA is making more profit, but the original author and wikipedia picked the AMD RX 7600 as the 2023 price-performance leader and there isn't much room in AMD's income statement to lower those prices. While NVIDIA could cut their revenue in half and still make a profit in 2023, in 2022 their profit was 4B on 27B in revenue. FWIW, Goodyear Tire, selected by me 'randomly' as an example of a company making a product with lower technology innovation year-to-year, had 20B revenue for the most recent year, 17B cost of revenue, and no R&D expense. So if we someday plateau silicon technology (even if ASI can help us build transistors smaller than atoms, the plank length is out there at some point), then maybe silicon companies will start cutting costs down to bare manufacturing costs. As a last study, the wikipedia page on FLOPS cited the Pentium Pro from Intel as part of the 1997 perf-per-dollar system. For 1997, Intel reported 25B in revenues, 10B cost of sales (die, testing, packaging, etc), 2B in R&D, and an operating income of 10B; so it was spending a decent amount on R&D too in order to stay on the Moore's law curve.

I agree with Foyle's point that even with successful AGI alignment the socioeconomic implications are huge, but that's a discussion for another day...

This is very interesting work, showing the fractal graph is a good way to visualize the predictive model being learned. I've had many conversations with folks who struggle with the idea 'the model is just predicting the next token, how can it be doing anything interesting'?. My standard response had been that conceptually the transformer model matches up tokens at the first layer (using the key and query vectors), then matches up sentences a few layers up, and then paragraphs a few layers above that; hence the model, when presented with an input, was not just responding with 'the next most likely token', but more accurately 'the best token to use to start the best sentence to start the best paragraph to answer the question'. Which usually helped get the complexity across; but I like the learned fractal of the belief state and will see how well I can use that in the future.

For future work, I think it would be interesting to tease out how the system learns 2 interacting state machines (this may give hints regarding its ability to generalize different actors in the world). For example, consider another 3-state HMM with the same transition probabilities but behaving independent of the 1st HMM. Then have the probability of outputting A,B, or C be the average of the arcs taken on the 2 HMMs each step. For example, if the 1st HMM is in H0 and stays in H0 it gives a 60% chance of generating A and a 20% chance for B and C, while if the 2nd HMM is in H2 and stays in H2, it gives 20% for A and B and 60% for C, so the overall output probability is 40% A, 20% B, 40%C for my example. Now certainly this is a 9 state HMM (3x3), but it's more simply represented as two 3-state HMMs, what would the neural network learn? What if you combined 3 HMMs this way, so the single HMM is 3x3x3=27 states, but the simpler representation is 3+3+3=9? Again, my goal here would be to understand how the system might model multiple agents in the world given limited visibility to the agents directly. Perhaps there is a cleaner way to explore the same question.

Thanks for the interesting and thoughtful article. As a current AI researcher and former silicon chip designer, I'd suspect that our perf-per-doller is trending a bit slower than exponential now and not a hyperexponential. My first datapoint in support of this is the data from which shows over 100X perf/dollar improvement from 1997 to 2003 (6 years), but the 100X improvement from 2003 is in 2012 (9 years), and our most recent 100X improvement (to the AMD RX 7600 the author cites) took 11 years. This aligns with TOP500 compute performance, which is progressing at a slower exponential since about 2013: . I think that a real challenge to the future scaling is the size of the silicon atom relative to current (marketing-skewed) process nodes supported by TSMC, Intel, and others. I don't think our silicon performance will flatline in the 2030's as implied by , but it could be that scaling FET-based geometries becomes very difficult and we'll need to move away from the basic FET-based design style used for last 50 years to some new substrate, which will slow the exponential for a bit. That said, I think that even if we don't get full AGI by 2030, the AI we do have by 2030 will be making real contributions to silicon design and that could be what keeps us from dipping too much below an exponential. But my bet would be against a hyperexponential playing out over the next 10 years.