Wiki Contributions



Can anybody confirm whether Paul is likely systematically silenced re OpenAI?


I’m an adult from the UK and learnt the word faucet like last year


Thanks. Do you use this system for reading list(s) too?


When you say you use a kanban-style system, does that just refer to the fact that there are columns that you drag items between, or does it specifically mean that you also make use of an 'in progress' column?

If so, do you have one for each 'todo' column, or what?

And do you have a column for the 'capture' aspect of GTD, or do you do something else for that?


Are you interested in these debates in order to help form your own views, or convince others?

I feel like debates are inferior to reading people's writings for the former purpose, and for the latter they deal collateral damage by making the public conversation more adversarial.


I keep reading the title as Attention: SAEs Scale to GPT-2 Small.

Thanks for the heads up.


I think what I was thinking of is that words can have arbitrary consequences and be arbitrarily high cost.

In the apologising case, making the right social API call might be an action of genuine significance. E.g. it might mean taking the hit on lowering onlookers' opinion of my judgement, where if I'd argued instead that the person I wronged was talking nonsense I might have got away with preserving it.

John's post is about how you can gain respect for apologising, but it does have often have costs too, and I think the respect is partly for being willing to pay them.


Words are a type of action, and I guess apologising and then immediately moving on to defending yourself is not the sort of action which signals sincerity.


Explaining my downvote:

This comment contains ~5 negative statements about the post and the poster without explaining what it is that the commentor disagrees with.

As such it seems to disparage without moving the conversation forward, and is not the sort of comment I'd like to see on LessWrong.


The second footnote seems to be accidentally duplicated as the intro. Kinda works though.

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