
Random Attempts at Apllied Rationality
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NLP and other Self-Improvement
The Grueling Subject
Medical Paradigms


Bike lanes don't only exist to get people from point A to point B. They also exist to provide an outlet for biking as a recreational activity. 

I would trust decisions based on empiric measurements of usage of the bike lanes a lot over your analysis when it comes to justifying decisions by cities. 

Answer by ChristianKl40

"Always close my door with the key in the lock."

It prevents me from closing the door without having my keys on me. 

That's certainly also an option. I personally found for myself, that I feel intuitively less drawn to NaCl+KCl than to NaCl + K2CO3 (I have both at home).

Most supplements that have mixes of electrolytes don't seem to use KCl and so would give you relatively less chloride than the NaCl+KCl mix.

In addition to that from my perspective, I think that if every day of the year you consume the same amount of potassium you (as a typical office worker) likely consume either too much or too little on some days. 

While I still don't feel like I understand electrolytes as well as I would like to, I become more convinced that supplementing potassium when one engages in activities that produce sweating is worthwhile.

Over the last year I started using potassium carbonate like a spice and whether or not it feels tasty depends a lot on how much I was sweating in the day before the meal. 

Giving that summer comes up, if you aren't already supplementing electrolytes for those days that are warm enough to make you sweat, I recommend you to get some potassium carbonate and experiment with it. It's worth noting that you need relatively tiny amounts, so if you start experimenting with it start really low as it's easy too put too much into the food and make the food taste bad.

Supplementing sweat out electrolytes seem to reduce the feeling of being drained from the summer heat.

These days companies frequently buy back shares because they can do that without having to pay taxes for that. 

It seems to me like many of those business conglomerates are privately held. The stock market seems to prefer if businesses parts that have no synergy with the main business get sold off. 

On the stock market it's easy for capital owners to diversify their assets. When companies are privately held building such business conglomerates might be the way to diversify.

Survival vs self-expression: Survival values prioritize security over liberty. Those with survival values tend to be more homophobic, uninterested in political action, distrustful of outsiders, and less happy. As people transition from industrial to knowledge societies, their sense of agency increases and they move towards self-expression values. 

To me, the empiric status of that claim feels quite unclear. Is that your personal opinion? Is it a general pattern for which there's existing data?

Most companies don't threaten their employees with physical violence. According to another Boeing whistleblower Sam Salehpour, that seems to happen at Boeing.

Being a defense contractor, I would expect Boeing corporate to have better relationships with the kind of people you would hire for such a task than corporations. 

Poisoning someone with MRSA infection seems possible but if that's what happened it's capabilities that are not easily available. If such a thing would happen in another case, people would likely speak about nation-state capabilities. 

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