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Anthropic did opposite thing https://transformer-circuits.pub/2024/scaling-monosemanticity/index.html

Also, radars are good in pinpointing exact coordinates in space and time. Optical recognition may have delays or difficultly in measuring distance. Even 1 second delay makes their information useless for supersonic aircrafts.

Answer by avturchin80

May be the most surprising answer will be Paul Valéry. He is a great poet but during one night in 1892 he decided to spend all his life in solving the mystery of intelligence and wrote extensive notebooks about it. https://collecties.kb.nl/en/koopman-collection/1951-1960/cahiers 

It works only if it fly above your territory - and similar systems are used for drones detection now. Actually, they use people eyes and smartphones and instant messaging. But during recent attack on Iran a single F35 flied over Iraq and fired a missile from like 200 km distance on a target in Iran. 

Did you ever see any plane that far? I saw only planes above me (10 km) and they are almost like dots. 

The difference between optics and radar is that with optics you need to know where to look - but the radar has constant 360 perception. 

They likely use them in places where no air defence is present and still at some disatnce using JDAM. 

I think that I missed the main thing about stealth - they are stealth for radar on the distances like 100 km, but visible for radar on the distances like 10 km (arbitrary numbers). But optical observation on distances of 100 km is impossible (need large telescopes, but you need to know where to look). Also optical density of atmosphere starts playing role as well a spherical size of earth.

Tactical support aircraft are not stealth like A-10 but can be used only if airdefence is supressed

Flying very low, like 10-30 meters above the ground in night will protect against even MANPADS - it will fly above you in a few seconds.
 I recommend an interesting blog https://xxtomcooperxx.substack.com/p/its-the-range-stupid-part-1 which discuss a lot about air defence and current war

Answer by avturchin80

That is why they prefer to flight for strikes during moonless nights. Also they can fly of very low or very high, which makes optical observation difficult.

non-disease copies do not need to perform any changes in their meditation routine in this model, assuming that they naturelly forget their disease status during meditation.

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