
Wiki Contributions



I've observed much the same thing. And my conclusion is that we don't have any proofs that ever greater intelligence converges to EU-maximizing agents.


Edit: We don't even have an argument that meets the standards of rigor on physics. 


What were the benefits?


Google’s auto-translation tools

Are there chrome-native tools which are better than google translate for webpages? Because you can use the latter on Firefox and it works pretty well.


That's fair, but it sounds like a personal preference. I asked because maybe you knew there was something unusually bad about small flats in the Bay Area that even folks like me would find annoying. 

  • you should be worried someone convinces you to move to the bay. it's not worth it. like, literally entirely for cost of housing reasons, no other reason, everything else is great, there's a reason people are there anyway. but phew, the niceness comes with a honkin price tag. and no, living in a 10ft by 10ft room to get vaguely normal sounding rent is not a good idea, even though it's possible.

Why's this not a good idea? 10ft by 10ft is a lot of room. More than I had in some flats when I went to university.


Starting steps for chores/longer term tasks I've been putting off. Things that reduce the problem a little on other words.


Oh, I see! That makes a lot more sense. But he should really write up/link to his project then, or his collaborator's project.


Alas, I think it's quite unlikely that this article will make somebody fund me. It's just that I noticed how extremely slow I am (without collaborators) to create a proper grant application.

IDGI. Why don't you work w/ someone to get funding? If you're 15x more productive, then you've got a much better shot at finding/filling out grants and then getting funding for you and your partner. 

Also, you're a game dev and hence good at programming. Surely you could work for free as an engineer at an AI alignment org or something and then shift into discussions w/ them about alignment? 

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