Ted Sanders

Wiki Contributions


The author is not shocked yet. (But maybe I will be!)

Strongly disagree. Employees of OpenAI and their alpha tester partners have obligations not to reveal secret information, whether by prediction market or other mechanism. Insider trading is not a sin against the market; it's a sin against the entity that entrusted you with private information. If someone tells me information under an NDA, I am obligated not to trade on that information.

Good question but no - ChatGPT still makes occasional mistakes even when you use the GPT API, in which you have full visibility/control over the context window.

Thanks for the write up. I was a participant in both Hypermind and XPT, but I recused myself from the MMLU question (among others) because I knew the GPT-4 result many months before the public. I'm not too surprised Hypermind was the least accurate - I think the traders there are less informed, plus the interface for shaping the distribution is a bit lacking (my recollection is that last year's version capped the width of distributions which massively constrained some predictions). I recall they also plotted the current values, a generally nice feature which has the side effect of anchoring ignorant forecasters downward, I'd bet.

Question: Are the Hypermind results for 2023 just from forecasts in 2022, or do they include forecasts from the prior year as well? I'm curious if part of the poor accuracy is from stale forecasts that were never updated.

I'd take the same bet on even better terms, if you're willing. My $200k against your $5k.

$500 payment received.

I am committed to paying $100k if aliens/supernatural/non-prosaic explanations are, in the next 5 years, considered, in aggregate, to be 50%+ likely in explaining at least one UFO.

Fair. I accept. 200:1 of my $100k against your $500. How are you setting these up?

I'm happy to pay $100k if my understanding of the universe (no aliens, no supernatural, etc.) is shaken. Also happy to pay up after 5 years if evidence turns up later about activities before or in this 5-year period.

(Also, regarding history, I have a second Less Wrong account with 11 years of history: https://www.lesswrong.com/users/tedsanders)

I'll bet. Up to $100k of mine against $2k of yours. 50:1. (I honestly think the odds are more like 1000+:1, and would in principle be willing to go higher, but generally think people shouldn't bet more than they'd be willing to lose, as bets above that amount could drive bad behavior. I would be happy to lose $100k on discovering aliens/time travel/new laws of physics/supernatural/etc.)

Happy to write a contract of sorts. I'm a findable figure and I've made public bets before (e.g., $4k wagered on AGI-fueled growth by 2043).

As an OpenAI employee I cannot say too much about short-term expectations for GPT, but I generally agree with most of his subpoints; e.g., running many copies, speeding up with additional compute, having way better capabilities than today, have more modalities than today. All of that sounds reasonable. The leap for me is (a) believing that results in transformative AGI and (b) figuring out how to get these things to learn (efficiently) from experience. So in the end I find myself pretty unmoved by his article (which is high quality, to be sure).

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