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Yes, I was informed by and was referencing that same article trevor linked to in his original posting. I did not, however, assume you "[think] it will be brokered by Microsoft". Regardless, I'd love to hear any critique or/and disagreements with my original reply — or even an explanation as to why you would believe I assumed you thought as much.

(Post-Scriptum: I was not the one whom down-voted the overall karma of your post.)

    I feel as though, MiguelDev, S. Altman's return to OpenAI would be brokered by a third party (Microsoft, et alia) with 'stability' as a hard condition to be met by both sides. Likewise, it isn't worth Mr. Altman's time — nor effort — to seek revenge. Not only would such an endeavor cost time and effort, but the vengeance would be exacted at the price of his tarnished character. The immature reaction would be noted by his peers and they will, in turn, react accordingly.

    Very much appreciate the write-up trevor; especially the substantively lengthy quotes. As other commentators have pointed out, the dichotomy between the two apparent 'factions' is quite clear. A faction of non-profit focus, tentative approach towards development, and conviction of Large Language Models' climb to Artifical General Intelligence makes up one side. The other side is a faction looking to capitalize upon OpenAI's current advances before they are commonplace and which has reservations about the capability for Large Language Models to become a form of Artificial General Intelligence.

    As to Sam Altman's return, perhaps the only possible cause of such an outcome will be investor/stakeholder pressure. Will/can such pressure be enough? The support that Samuel Altman has thus far received from colleagues and employees seems to me an organic, knee-jerk rally. This signals to me the possible spawning of a new organization by him from a position of strength. Not to say there was no willingness to collaborate and/or to finance before his ousting, just that the circumstances (story) yield an 'under-dog' bystanders would enthusiastically back (bet on).

I would totally go, but am not in the area. If hold this event annually, then I'll see you all at the next one!