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Left the following comment on the blog:

I appreciate that you’re endorsing these changes in response to the two specific cases I raised on X (unlimited model retraining and composition with unsafe covered models). My gut sense is still that ad-hoc patching in this manner just isn’t a robust way to deal with the underlying issue*, and that there are likely still more cases like those two. In my opinion it would be better for the bill to adopt a different framework with respect to hazardous capabilities from post-training modifications (something closer to “Covered model developers have a duty to ensure that the marginal impact of training/releasing their model would not be to make hazardous capabilities significantly easier to acquire.”). The drafters of SB 1047 shouldn’t have to anticipate every possible contingency in advance, that’s just bad design.

* In the same way that, when someone notices that their supposedly-safe utility function for their AI has edge cases that expose unforseen maxima, introducing ad-hoc patches to deal with those particular noticed edge cases is not a robust strategy to get an AI that is actually safe across the board.

You want to learn an embedding of the opportunities you have in a given state (or for a given state-action), rather than just its potential rewards. Rewards are too sparse of a signal.

More formally, let's say instead of the Q function, we consider what I would call the Hope function: which given a state-action pair (s, a), gives you a distribution over states it expects to visit, weighted by the rewards it will get. This can still be phrased using the Bellman equation:

Hope(s, a) = rs' + f Hope(s', a')

The "successor representation" is somewhat close to this. It encodes the distribution over future states a partcular policy expects to visit from a particular starting state, and can be learned via the Bellman equation / TD learning.

On reflection these were bad thresholds, should have used maybe 20 years and a risk level of 5%, and likely better defined transformational. The correlation is certainly clear here, the upper right quadrant is clearly the least popular, but I do not think the 4% here is lizardman constant.

Wait, what? Correlation between what and what? 20% of your respondents chose the upper right quadrant (transformational/safe). You meant the lower left quadrant, right?


Very surprised there's no mention here of Hanson's "Foom Liability" proposal:


I appreciate that you are putting thought into this. Overall I think that "making the world more robust to the technologies we have" is a good direction.

In practice, how does this play out?

Depending on the exact requirements, I think this would most likely amount to an effective ban on future open-sourcing of generalist AI models like Llama2 even when they are far behind the frontier. Three reasons that come to mind:

  1. The set of possible avenues for "novel harms" is enormous, especially if the evaluation involves "the ability to finetune [...], external tooling which can be built on top [...], and API calls to other [SOTA models]". I do not see any way to clearly establish "no novel harms" with such a boundless scope. Heck, I don't even expect proprietary, closed-source models to be found safe in this way.
  2. There are many, many actors in the open-source space, working on many, many AI models (even just fine-tunes of LLaMA/Llama2). That is kind of the point of open sourcing! It seems unlikely that outside evaluators would be able to evaluate all of these, or for all these actors to do high-quality evaluation themselves. In that case, this requirement turns into a ban on open-sourcing for all but the largest & best-resourced actors (like Meta).
  3. There aren't incentives for others to robustify existing systems or to certify "OK you're allowed to open-source now", in the way as there are for responsible disclosure. By default, I expect those steps to just not happen, & for that to chill open-sourcing.

If we are assessing the impact of open-sourcing LLMs, it seems like the most relevant counterfactual is the "no open-source LLM" one, right?

Noted! I think there is substantial consensus within the AIS community on a central claim that the open-sourcing of certain future frontier AI systems might unacceptably increase biorisks. But I think there is not much consensus on a lot of other important claims, like about for which (future or even current) AI systems open-sourcing is acceptable and for which ones open-sourcing unacceptably increases biorisks.


(explaining my disagree reaction)

The open source community seems to consistently assume the case that the concerns are about current AI systems and the current systems are enough to lead to significant biorisk. Nobody serious is claiming this

I see a lot of rhetorical equivocation between risks from existing non-frontier AI systems, and risks from future frontier or even non-frontier AI systems. Just this week, an author of the new "Will releasing the weights of future large language models grant widespread access to pandemic agents?" paper was asserting that everyone on Earth has been harmed by the release of Llama2 (via increased biorisks, it seems). It is very unclear to me which future systems the AIS community would actually permit to be open-sourced, and I think that uncertainty is a substantial part of the worry from open-weight advocates.

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