

What You Can and Can't Learn from Games

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Whatever happened to AppliedDivinityStudies, anyway? Seemed to be a promising blog adjacent to the community but I just checked back to see what the more recent posts were and it looks to have stopped posting about a year ago?

Fun little more dakka example -- I drink a lot of water. It's sort of annoying having to refill a glass/water bottle/whatever all the time, so I'm using this huge glass instead that I think was intended to be a vase or carafe or something. It's great.

What is a "chara inductor"?

I'm personally rather annoyed by all the AI discussion here and have been a lot less engaged recently. I would like to see much more rationality-type content.

I'm not sure I agree. The normal art project also requires a bunch of "art director time" -- there can be multiple rounds of back and forth between author and artist, different sketches or concepts to evaluate, and so on. If anything, I think there's more context-switching cost required for a traditional project because of the inherent major delay in creating traditional art.

In other words, if I have an AI art prompt that doesn't come out quite right, I know that very quickly and can then run another prompt to refine what I'm going for. If I have a traditional art prompt and a professional artist comes back a while later with sketches that aren't right, I can send them art direction to refine the project -- but doing so will impose more context-switching because of the delay on communications between us, the fact that these sketches/drafts will be arriving substantially after I've sent my initial piece, etc.

This is already mentioned a bit elsewhere, but it seems perhaps worth flagging for potential readers that this technique (or perhaps, as you mentioned, a similar but different offshoot of it) is now considered... impure? flawed? risky? and is no longer part of the CFAR mainline workshop curriculum as I understand it -- I would say it's one of the more notable changes recently, though who's to say where things will evolve in the future...

You know what I've been impressed by? Some eSports broadcasts intentionally upload videos with large amounts of dead air at the end if they're showing a two-out-of-three where one side won the first two games -- that way you won't get spoiled on the result by the length of the video!

I think it's somewhat complicated -- the VDV is also used in conventional operations thanks to its elite and volunteer status (see for instance this primer on Russian military methods), which makes them more reliable and effective than conscript forces even in some more "conventional" tasks. 

In some ways this might be considered similar to the structure of the post-WWII French military, where the paratroopers and the Foreign Legion were made up of volunteers and used preferentially over conscript forces -- indeed, as I understand it France did not use conscripts at all in the Indochina War, and favored using its "more reliable" volunteer units in the Algerian War, with the infamous Battle of Algiers conducted primarily by paratroopers.

(Ironically, the reliability of these units in combat did not mean political reliability -- when the French government eventually decided to grant Algerian independence, some of the paratroopers joined a coup attempt!)

At the same time though, Russia has invested substantially in technological capabilities for its airborne forces to assist in their primary airborne mission, with things like the BMD- and BTR- series of airborne APCs/IFVs, multi-canopy and rocket-assisted parachutes to allow these vehicles to be dropped (in some cases with crews inside!), and so on.

The problem I find harder is people who are mildly symptomatic, in ways that could be an illness or allergies, or are on the trail end up symptoms after a disease has probably but not definitely been cleared. "No interaction for five days after a sniffly nose" is life ruining for a lot of people. 


Yeah, this is a much more difficult situation for me. I think I more or less always have minor COVID symptoms if construed strictly, given that various minor allergies or similar have the same symptoms as COVID...

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